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Life Chain 2019

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

On Sunday, October 6th, Fr. Don and two parishioners from Good Shepherd joined hundreds of other Christians from Melbourne and Palm Bay in forming a “Life Chain” along New Haven Avenue to pray and to stand for life and against abortion. In many other cities all across America, similar Life Chains formed. We held signs which read “Pray to end abortion,” “Life is the first inalienable right,” and, “Abortion kills children.” Thousands of cars passed by, some honking their horns in support, some waving, and a few shouting insults, but not many. Father Don prayed the Rosary, thinking with each passing car, “Maybe the pregnant girl who’s thinking of abortion is in that car.”

We continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will turn the hearts of people away from the prevailing culture of death. We pray for the day when every life, from the moment of conception to natural death, is given the protection and dignity God intends.

A Prayer For the Children

O Heavenly Father, we pray this day for the children of the world. We pray that Thou wilt protect, guide, and provide for those children who are unwanted, unloved, abandoned or abused. We pray for those children who have been left unguarded by being orphaned. We pray for those most in peril, the unborn. Spare them, O Father, from the dangers of disease and drugs, an uncaring mother or father, but most of all from an untimely death at the hands of another. Replenish Thy Church, O God, with a fruitful offspring so that the Church may resound with the joy of their small voices that will one day turn to prayer unto thee, O Lord. Amen.

Source: The Late Fr. Drew Sack OSF, Louisville, Ky.


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